中英同传 严思凡老师简历
译员简历 Curriculum Vitae
YAN Sifan, Samuel (严思凡)
l 教育背景 Education
学历 Degree |
学校名称 Universities |
专业 Programs of Study |
硕士 M.A. |
香港理工大学 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
翻译及传译(口译组) Translating and Interpreting (Specialized in Interpreting) |
学士 B.A. |
北京化工大学 Beijing University of Chemical Technology |
英国语言文学 English Language and Literature
l 语言水平 Language Proficiency
A语言:中文(普通话,简体) A Language: (Mandarin, Simplified) |
B语言:英文 B Language: English |
l 人事部翻译资格证书: l CATTI Certificates: |
CATTI二级口译 CATTI Interpreting Level II |
CATTI二级笔译 CATTI Translating Level II |
l 雅思 8.0 l IELTS 8.0 |
英语四级609 CET-4 609 |
英语六级581 CET-6 581 |
专四 75 TEM-4 75 |
专八 78 TEM-8 78 |
l 工作经历 Internship
2015.07-09 |
外研社基础教育分社 编辑实习生 FLTRP Basic Education Branch Intern Editor |
负责编辑2015年秋季学期高中教材辅助资料并归档 Edited and documented supporting courseware for 2015 autumn textbooks for senior high school students |
2018.07.16-20 |
联合国粮农组织(罗马) 同声传译实习生 Food and Agriculture Organization Simultaneous Interpreter 第24届林业委员会 同声传译实习生 24th Session of the Committee on Forestry-COFO24 SI Intern |
l 口译项目 Interpreting Experience
2019.03.31 交传
Consecutive 第三届中国国际养老产业高峰论坛
The 3rd international Senior Care Summit
2019.03.28 同传
Simultaneous 微软 – Futuremove 战略合作签约仪式(北京)
Microsoft – Futuremove Strategic Cooperation Signing Ceremony (Beijing)
2019.03.27 交传/主持
Consecutive/MC 平安银行传承俱乐部走进尼泊尔大使馆活动(北京)
Ping’an Bank Chuancheng Club – Embassy of Nepal (Beijing)
2019.03.21 交传/耳语同传
Consecutive/Whispering SI 匈牙利国家旅游局 – 旅游推介会(北京)
Hungarian Tourism Agency – Tourism Road Show (Beijing)
2019.03.06 同传
Simultaneous 第七届亚太钢铁和铁合金国际会议(澳门)
The 7th Asia Pacific Steel & Ferro-Alloys International Conference (Macau)
2019.03.04 交传
Consecutive 北京国宏康电子医疗器械公司与ORCAM商务洽谈
Beijing Guohongkang Electronic Medical Equipment Co., Ltd & ORCAM Business Negotiation
2019.02.26 陪同/交传
Escort/CI 北京加拿大国际学校家长会(北京)
Canadian International School Beijing Headmaster Parent Meeting (Beijing)
2018.12-2019.01 陪同/交传
Escort/CI 施耐德 – Greenville LNG 高压变频器安装调试(尼日利亚)
Schneider – Greenville LNG VFD Installing and Debugging (Nigeria)
2018.11.26 交传
Consecutive 首届空间激光技术与应用国际大会媒体采访(北京)
1st International Conference on Space Laser Technology and Application Media Interview (Beijing)
2018.11.26 同传
Simultaneous 首届空间激光技术与应用国际大会(北京)
1st International Conference on Space Laser Technology and Application (Beijing)
2018.11.22 同传
Simultaneous 2018第十届中国饭店业采购供应年会(南京)
10th Hospitality Purchase & Supply Congress 2018 (Nanjing)
2018.11.19 交传
Consecutive 字节龙科技有限公司与高瓴资本商务会谈(北京)
Business Meeting between ByteDragon and Hillhouse Capital (Beijing)
2018.11.14 交传
Consecutive 北京岸科云视科技有限公司设计师交流会(北京)
Beijing Oncam Technology Designer Seminar (Beijing)
2018.11.13 交传
Consecutive 沧州市天龙铸造厂与葡萄牙客户方商务洽谈(沧州)
Cangzhou Tianlong Casting Factory Business Negotiation with Portuguese Clients (Cangzhou)
2018.11.12 陪同
Escort 陪同印尼政府团体验中国金融科技(北京)
Led Indonesian Government Delegation to Experience FinTech in China (Beijing)
2018.11.09 交传
Consecutive 北京天宇智汇与意大利克里斯尼商务谈判(北京)
Beijing SkyTech & Christanini Business Meeting (Beijing)
2018.11.02 交传
Consecutive APOLLO第二届理事会(雄安)
The Second Apollo Board Meeting (Xiong’an)
2018.10.25 交传/耳语同传
CI/Whispering SI 朴新教育科技集团有限公司与全亚达投资有限公司投资会议(北京)
Investment Meeting between PUXIN Education & Technology Group and Allard Partners (Beijing)
2018.10.25 陪同/交传
Escort/CI 陪同俄罗斯客户参观华为仓库及商务洽谈(北京)
Visited HUAWEI warehouse with Russian client and held business meeting. (Beijing)
2018.10.23 陪同/交传
Escort/CI 陪同英国客户及台湾岳母沟通婚礼事宜(北京)
Helped British client communicate with future mother-in-law from Taiwan about wedding details. (Beijing)
2018.10.10 交传
Consecutive FIBA 2019篮球世界杯组委会票务会议(北京)
2019 FIBA LOC Ticketing Strategy Meeting (Beijing)
2018.10.10 交传
Consecutive FIBA 2019篮球世界杯组委会预算会议(北京)
2019 FIBA LOC Budgeting Meeting (Beijing)
2018.10.06 交传
Consecutive 英国内政部非法劳工调查
Investigation of illegal worker, Home Office, UK
2018.09.19-22 商务陪同
Escort 2018国际冬季运动博览会(北京)
World Winter Sports (Beijing) Expo 2018
2018.09.15 交传/同传
CI/Whispering SI Baker家居2018新品发布会暨设计师采访(北京)
Baker Furniture 2018 Launch Event & Media Interview (Beijing)
2018.09.07 交传
Consecutive 中国石油集团与印度国企高管代表团会议(北京)
CNPC Meeting with Indian Delegation (Beijing)
2018.09.07 交传
Consecutive 国务院国资委与印度国企高管代表团会议(北京)
SASAC Meeting with Indian Delegation (Beijing)
2018.09.04-05 交传
Consecutive FIBA 2019篮球世界杯组委会IT技术会议(北京)
2019 FIBA LOC IT Meeting (Beijing)
2018.07.16-20 同传
Simultaneous 联合国粮农组织第24届林业委员会(罗马)
24th Session of the Committee on Forestry-COFO24, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (Rome, Italy)
2018.06.28 交传
Consecutive 一带一路高峰论坛(香港)
Belt and Road Summit, Hong Kong
2018.06.21 耳语同传
Whispering SI Stamford美国国际学校(香港)
Stamford American School Parents Meeting
2018.06 同传
Simultaneous 香港理工大学MBA公开课:加密货币资产管理
PolyU MBA Open Lecture: Cryptocurrency Asset Management
2018.06 同传
Simultaneous 香港理工大学杰出演讲:中国文明在东南亚地区的扩散
FH Distinguished Lecture: The Transmission of Chinese Civilizational Techniques to Southeast
2018.06 同传
Simultaneous 第16届国际受害者研究协会年度研讨会
the 16th International Symposium of the World Society of Victimology 2018
2018.06 同传
Simultaneous 香港理工大学MBA公开课:零售生态的三大支柱
PolyU MBA Open Lecture: 3 Pillars to an Indispensable Retail Ecosystem, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2018.05.22-24 交传
Consecutive 中国国际电池展(深圳)
China International Battery Fair, Shenzhen
2018.04 交传
Consecutive 演讲:艺术与疗愈
Speech: Art and Heal
2018.03 交传
Consecutive 亚洲公益律师论坛
Asia Pro Bono Forum
2018.03 交传
Consecutive 中国乡村城镇化国际研讨会
International Symposium on China’s Rural Urbanization
2018.03 陪同
Escort 香港赛马会创意艺术中心(香港)
JCCAC Tour (Hong Kong)
2018.02 交传
Consecutive 博华太平洋国际控股有限公司2015年度股东大会
Imperial Pacific International Holdings Limited 2015 Annual Results Announcement
2018.01 电话口译
Over-the-phone 传神语联
2017.11 交传
Consecutive 一带一路论坛
One Belt One Road Forum
2017.11 交传
Consecutive Kenzo媒体采访
Press interviews, Kenzo
2017.10 交传
Consecutive 2012 Visa支付论坛-APCEMEA
2012 VISA Payments Forum-APCEMEA
2017.09 交传
Consecutive HKX创新创业研讨会
the HKX Start-up seminar
2017.09 交传
Consecutive Vertu TI 产品发布会及访谈
Vertu TI product launch press interviews
2016.11 交传
Consecutive 中国国际循环经济展览会(北京)
China International Circular Economy Exhibition
2016.05 交传
Consecutive 北京国际旅游博览会(北京)
Beijing International Tourism Expo
2015.06 交传/主持
Consecutive / MC 北京市高等学校学历继续教育大学生英语口语竞赛
Oral English Contest for Higher Education Students in Beijing
l 笔译项目 Translation Experience
2017.02 杂志文章翻译
Magazine articles 纽约时报《T》杂志
T magazine
2017.02 新闻翻译
News articles 世界经济论坛
World Economic Forum Website
2017.03 会议发言稿
Speech notes
Watch & Clock Industry Report 2017巴塞尔钟表珠宝展
Baselworld 2017
2017.06 《非标准就业报告》
Non-standard Employment Report 国际劳工组织
International Labor Organization
2017.07 项目报告
Project Report 上汽通用宝骏
2017.08 市场调研报告
Market Research Report 德科
2017-2018 网站翻译
Website translation
Product Manuscript
Patent Application 上海邦邦机器人
Shanghai Bangbang Robotics
2018.03 会议发言稿
Speech notes
Watch & Clock Industry Report 2018巴塞尔钟表珠宝展
Baselworld 2018
2018.05 会议纲要
Conference Rundown 2018中国纺织创新大会
China Textile Innovation Conference 2018
2018.06 医学文档
Medical document
Operation records
Discharging records 上海瑞金医院
Shanghai Ruijin Hospital
Fuda Cancer Hospital
2018.07 品牌通讯稿
PR Material Herschel Supply
2018.07 护士长管理制度
Head Nurse Management 个人客户
Individual Client
2018.07 邮件/合同
Email correspondence
Contract 深圳行动派成长科技有限公司
2018.07 演讲稿
Speech at the Forum on the Belt and Road Legal Cooperation 中国法学会/一带一路法治合作论坛
China Law Society/Forum on the Belt and Road Legal Cooperation
2018.08 60周年校庆材料
60th Anniversary Material 北京化工大学
2018.08 论文
Thesis 北京化工大学
2018.08 网站翻译
Website Translation 深圳行动派成长科技有限公司
2018.08 《数字时代如何颠覆品牌未来》
How the new digital age reshapes the future of brand 腾讯
2018.08 宣传材料
Publicity Material 许糯秒瘦
Xu Nuo Second-Slimmer
2018.08 企业社会责任问卷
CSR questionnaire 安徽师范大学
Anhui Normal University
2018.08 公司简介
Company Introduction 安徽嘉玺新材料有限公司
Anhui Jiaxi New Material Co., Ltd
2018.09 视频字幕翻译
Video Subtitling 北京化工大学
2018.09 歌词及演艺经历翻译
Lyrics Translation 廖媛,歌唱家
LIAO Yuan, vocalist
2018.09 《华强北40年影像记忆》
40 Years of Huaqiang North in Pictures China Book Trading GmbH
2018.09-11 美泰玩具配套教案
MATTEL Toys Lesson Plan 美泰玩具
2018.09 行动派人物及课程介绍
Introduction of Action-Pie Idols and Courses 深圳行动派成长科技有限公司
2018.09 欧力丰企业研究论文
Corporate Research Paper by Oriphe 深圳市欧力丰科技有限公司
2018.10 人力资本研究报告新闻稿
Human Capital Press Release 个人客户
Individual Client
2018.10 捷豹路虎公关运营报告
JLR PR Summary 捷豹路虎
2018.11 星环公司简介
Starloop Company Introduction 成都星环科技有限公司
Chengdu Starloop Technology Co., Ltd
l 证书 Certificates